Wednesday, June 16, 2004

Ender's Shadow, by Orson Scott Card

I first read Ender's Game while in high school. It wasn't until this past year that I went further into the Ender Saga, I like Orson Scott Card as an author so I was happy with the series.

I wasn't sure what I'd think about a book like this one, a "parallel novel" to Ender's Game. I guess I worried that he wouldn't be able to pull off the same story, or that I'd end up disliking how Bean (the main character in this book) portrayed Ender and all the older children.

I was pleasantly surprised. This book turned out to be quite good! I was very happy with it. It was wonderful how Card managed to rewrite so much of the same story in such a different way from this character's point of view. It also very nice to learn more about Bean, as he's such a small character in Ender's Game. I'll definately be reading more books in this... "Bean saga"


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